Ejerforeningen Jacobsgaarden
Ejerforeningen Jacobsgaarden strækker sig over to matrikler på Elbagade og Kastrupvej på Amager. Bygningen er fra 1935 med taglejligheder fra 2007 og ligger lige ud til den dejlige Filipspark og under en kilometer fra Amager Strandpark og metro. Der er et stenkast til Amagerbrogade og foreningen har i sin midte en dejlig gårdhave.
På kortet nedenfor kan du se vores placering.
Hvis du er sælger, køber eller lejer af en lejlighed i foreningen, har vi mere information til netop dig her.
Der er 108 lejligheder, som beboes af en god blanding af beboere i alle aldersklasser. Det er generelt en meget rolig forening uden det store påstyr.
Vores vicevært hedder Mich og er dygtig til sit job og meget tilgængelig. Desuden har vi en bestyrelse bestående af tre faste medlemmer (forperson Emil Berth, Elbagade 75; Marianne Deleuran Grünnet, Elbagade 75 samt Kristian Højgaard Nielsen, Elbagade 75) og to suppleanter (Helle Lintrup, Kastrupvej 58 og Pernille Schefte, Elbagade 73). Mens Mich står for de praktiske ting, så har bestyrelsen det overordnede og administrative ansvar.
Foreningen har en facebookgruppe, som kan tilgås her.
Hvis du navigerer til menuen i toppen, kan du finde information om foreningen, vores praktiske forhold, vores vedtægter, referater fra bestyrelsesmøder og generalforsamlinger og meget andet.
Foreningen administreres af Øens.
For English, please scroll down.
Jacobsgaarden owners' association
Jacobsgaarden stretches across two plots on Elbagade and Kastrupvej centrally located on Amager, Copenhagen. The building was built in 1935, and in 2007 several studio apartments were added. The building is located right next to a nice little park, Filipsparken, and is less than a kilometre from Amager Beach and the metro and only a stone's throw away from Amagerbrogade. In it's midst the building has a lovely garden.
See map above for exact location.
There are 108 apartments inhabited by a good mix of residents of all age groups. It's generally nice and quiet here.
Our superintendent is named Mich, he's very good at what he does and he's easy to get a hold of, should the need arise. We have a board on which we have three representatives who are elected once a year (currently head of the board Emil Berth, Elbagade 75 and members Marianne Deleuran Grünnet, Elbagade 75 and Kristian Højgaard Nielsen, Elbagade 75) and also two substitutes (currently Helle Lintrup, Kastrupvej 58 and Pernille Schefte, Elbagade 73). While Mich handles the practical stuff and daily maintainance, the board takes care of daily administration of the building.
The building has a facebook group which can be accessed here.
If you navigate to the top menu, you'll find information about the building, practical stuff including facilities, our house rules, abstracts from general assemblies which are held once a year and from the board meetings which are held once a month (though only in Danish) and more.
The administration is done by Øens.
Unfortunately, not all of the pages are available in English. If anything is unclear or if any further information is needed, don't hesitate to contact the board at jacobsgaarden@hotmail.com.